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Tips To Relieve Stress

Diza Pandey

Photo by Diza Pandey.

Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and then exhale. Feel more relaxed? Breathing exercises help people relax, and being relaxed can help ease stress. It can also relieve anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. According to, relaxation techniques involve refocusing attention on a certain object, calming and increasing awareness of the body. Not all techniques work for everyone. Try to practice relaxation regularly to benefit from it. Many types of relaxation techniques exist, including autogenic, which involves training that works through a series of self-statements about heaviness and warmth in different parts of the body. The process induces a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, which uses both visual imagery and body awareness to reduce stress.

Mindful meditation constitutes another relaxation practice. Mindful meditation focuses attention on events happening right now in the present moment. Research from shows that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. Blow off steam by listening to more upbeat tunes or singing loudly.

Also, get a move on. All forms of exercise, including yoga and walking, can ease depression and anxiety by helping the brain release good chemicals and by giving the body a chance to practice dealing with stress. Students can go for a quick walk around the block, take the stairs, or do some stretching exercises like head rolls and shoulder shrugs.

Lastly, be grateful for what you have, keep a gratitude journal, or several, to remember all the good parts of life. Use these journals to savor good experiences like something great that happened one day. Don’t forget to celebrate accomplishments like mastering a new task at work or a new hobby. When feeling stressed, spend a few minutes looking through those notes to remember what really matters.


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