Autumn has arrived and at long last, nice, sunny, and crisp days pair with warm, fuzzy sweaters and a cup of apple cider. But what do people want exactly? Not everyone, of course, would enjoy pumpkin spice in the form of a latte over a candle or watching football instead of going pumpkin picking. This prompted us to poll over 300 people in the Apex community to figure out what exactly do the citizens of Apex consider the best part of autumn.
When considering the most favorable aspects of fall, the choices included: the crisp weather, cozy sweaters and blankets, fall festivities, football, fall foliage, seasonal candles and scents, and pumpkin spiced everything. Due to autumn's cult following, the results of this poll poured in within the first few minutes. Based on the plethora of ads depicting suburban women bonding over steaming mugs of pumpkin spice lattes, it would be reasonable to assume that seasonal food would be the clear champion. To much surprise, the food category had actually ranked the lowest with only 1.1%. Even seasonal candles and scents ranked higher at 1.4%.
Within the first hour, it became abundantly clear that Mother Nature's work, for 63.6% of people, made up the best parts of autumn. Cozy sweaters and blankets ranked second, however, at 17.9% and fall festivities came in third with 10.1%.
Upon consideration, it makes sense that crisp weather would come in first as it makes up the entirety of autumn. Without the cold weather and breezy sunny days, there would be no need for cozy sweaters or warm beverages and without fall foliage there would be no real way to mark the passing of time. Not to mention how hot, rotting pumpkins on a front porch would not fit in with the fall aesthetic.