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The Psychology of Winning

Diza Pandey

By practicing sequences and specific situations, athletes will be able to focus on the same in competition as opposed to dwelling on outcomes and expectations. Photo courtesy of Kailyn Becker.

How do the highest achievers think differently? Consider the athletes who have won multiple championships like the Lebron James and Alex Morgans of the world. They’ve mastered their craft, but their mindsets also set them apart from their peers. What do they do differently to reach peak performance? According to Hubspot, a winning mentality doesn’t magically arrive at the last minute or through a pep talk before a match. Developing a winning mentality proves every bit as important.

The meaning of success doesn’t provide ambiguity. Often success appears in quite a clear fashion as the accomplishment of being determined and having purpose. Figuring out what one truly wants allows a person to go after goals. For athletes, that can be anything from winning a championship to becoming better at a particular skill set at any given time.

Whatever the goal, an athlete can develop an individual map on how to get there. If planning on going at a fast pace when it comes to game day, athletes had better train their bodies and envision the end goal before it comes time to do it for real. states, “Guided visualization or imagery is purposely rehearsing a skill, routine or performance in your mind’s eye to program your body for success.” Truly high-performing athletes set a high standard for themselves when it comes to how they train and the discipline in regards to how they go about their routines.

“Saving your strength” in practice proves counter-productive in most cases. Slacking in the gym equals slacking in competition. Even if one’s mind doesn’t feel that way, the body will, and at that point, excuses like “I don’t know what happened. I just wasn’t feeling it” come into play. In order to overcome this barrier, and perhaps also the natural anxiety that hits, focus on tasks and not outcomes. By practicing sequences and specific situations, athletes will be able to focus on the same in competition as opposed to dwelling on outcomes and expectations.

Athletes with a winning mentality have to deal with losing and get past it with a sound sense of mind. According to Forbes, “In other words, most people’s definition of success is the avoidance of failure. People who are really successful will tell you their definition of success is their response to failure, and they would actually argue that you have to have failure. In other words, there’s no such thing of success without failure.” Winners understand that life doesn't always go their way. Having the right mindset helps to overcome these tough moments.


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