For many high schoolers, college approaches quickly, and with that, an impending sense of doom as students realize they must soon decide what colleges they will apply to during fall of their senior year. While this decision usually proves highly personal to each student’s experience and preferences, people can start their NC college search by taking the quick quiz below. Grab a pencil and get started!
1. Your ideal college student population size is...
a. Very large
b. Moderately large
c. Medium
d. Small
2. You would love to study near…
a. A city or more densely populated area
b. A scenic location like the beach or mountains
c. An historic small town
d. A smaller college town in a sparsely populated area
3. Will you look for research opportunities in college?
a. Probably! I’m okay with competing against many students for these opportunities
b. I may but it may not take a priority over my classes or extracurricular activities
c. Absolutely! I would love to interact with professors often and help with research
d. Yes! I love being hands-on with learning
4. Looking for a college with school spirit?
a and b. Of course! I’ll go to every game and don my college merch proudly
c. I’ll be proud to be a student at any college I go to, and I may go to a few games
d. Eh, not really. Sports aren’t really my thing, anyway
5. Your intended area of study would be…
a. Nursing, political science, journalism, engineering, or fashion merchandising
b. Art, teaching, marine biology, or business administration
c. Biomedical science, psychology, or social sciences
d. Communications, government, business, or media studies
Tally up answers and check out the list of colleges below to see best-fit colleges:
Mostly A’s: UNC Chapel Hill and NC State
With huge undergraduate enrollment numbers and robust research programs, these schools offer a large student network and the opportunity to gain experience in a field while in college. Be prepared to compete with other students, however! With both schools possessing a strong school spirit and being located in densely populated areas, students will have no trouble finding activities for the weekends. UNC Chapel Hill has long been home to an amazing School of Journalism and a great nursing program, and many know State for its engineering and fashion merchandising programs.
Mostly B’s: Appalachian State or UNC Wilmington
Though they exist on opposite sides of the beautiful state of North Carolina, both schools boast beautiful surrounding scenery and an open, friendly environment for students. Appalachian State, especially, possesses stronger student spirit than one would expect, and has a great art program and teaching certificate program. UNC Wilmington students enjoy close proximity to the beach, where popular majors include nursing and business administration.
Mostly C’s: Wake Forest
While difficult to get into, students attending Wake Forest will reap the benefits of a prestigious school with loads of research opportunities, small class sizes, and the potential for lots of one on one discussions with professors. Located near the charming city of Winston Salem, students will find plenty to do between the university’s engaging coursework and the city’s shops and restaurants.
Mostly D’s: Elon University
Elon University, similarly to Wake Forest, comes with a hefty price tag, but students will enjoy small classes, a close-knit community of fellow students, and an abundance of student facilities, including an indoor pool, a movie theater, and more, albeit with a lack of activities in the neighboring town. Students interested in communications and media will enjoy the school’s top-ranked School of Communications, complete with recording studios and updated camera equipment.