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Preparing for a Third Covid Wave

Avery LeMay

In preparation for the third wave, Business Insider suggests stocking up on items your family will need, such as toilet paper, to lessen trips to the grocery store. Photo by Avery LeMay.

Due to a rapid increase in cases, new fears have arisen over a third COVID-19 wave. According to Time, the rising number of cases of COVID-19 comes from the amount of testing, more travel, and more time spent inside in gatherings as the weather turns chilly. With most of the population now being tested, more cases of COVID-19 may not be out of the ordinary. The majority of these cases come from younger people, keeping the death rates at a steady rate of 750 a day. According to The Wall Street Journal, the main concern has been “pandemic fatigue.” Most people feel restless in their house. As winter begins, many fear the start of a third wave of the pandemic due to a massive number of people leaving their homes for the winter holidays. Those fears have increased because of the recent Thanksgiving travel. Many ways exist to prevent further spread of COVID-19 if a third wave hits.

With some significant issues from previous waves being the lack of toilet paper and other home essentials, try stocking up on home essentials like toilet paper and cleaning products. Businessinsider suggests making a list of supplies everyone in your family needs while getting a 30 day supply of medications. Remember to take care of yourself; staying emotionally and physically healthy can help a lot during these trying times, and it will help with school performance as well. The CDC suggests taking breaks during the day to go for a walk or meditate, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. Many students at AFHS are trying to stay home and stay safe as well Alec Hughes (12) said they try to stay safe by “wearing a mask at all times outside of the house unless eating.” Francesca Kyanda (12) said, “I don’t go out much and I social distance because not dying is better than a social life.”

With the holidays approaching, staying home proves the best choice, as more and more people travel to visit families. While staying in contact with family and friends may be tempting, the safer option would be to Face Time with them, not go and see them. Some of the previous spikes in cases came from people spending time with each other on holidays, making it even more likely to spread the virus around major winter holidays. Lastly, remember the three W’s of COVID-19: wear a face mask, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands.

No one said this pandemic would be fun; we all miss friends and being at school, and with people getting even more restless and leaving their homes for the holidays, you need to remember to stay home and stay safe.


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