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Homecoming Should Have Been for Upperclassmen

Diza Pandey

Julia Macdonell and Kyle Sclafani as Homecoming King and Queen. Photo by Gabriel Key.

Many would argue that one of the most important aspects of an ideal high school experience has always been Homecoming. This experience makes adults look fondly back at their high school years. Since the arrival of COVID-19, this event has been put on the back burner, much to the dismay of students who wanted to go. A few weeks ago, AFHS had a Spirit Week, and hosted a Homecoming football game. Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions caused the cancellation of the highly anticipated Homecoming dance.

Last year, with the majority of students being virtual and learning online, physical interactions with fellow friends and teachers were limited. The Homecoming Dance should have only been held for upperclassmen. This year AFHS has gone over student capacity with approximately 800 freshmen and 700 sophomores. Especially being indoors, the school decided that having the dance would risk the health of many students. Now that the FDA has approved vaccines for various ages, the upperclassmen should have been able to experience the memorable moments made during Homecoming. Seniors only have one more year left at AFHS, and depriving them of their desired high school experience cannot be viewed as fair.

Jules Burke, (11), agrees that only upperclassmen should have had the opportunity to go to the dance. “Seniors and juniors had to miss homecoming during COVID-19, so I think it’s only fair that they get one they can actually go to, and if that means removing the freshmen and sophomores, so be it.” She goes on to explain that COVID-19 has caused many restrictions on extracurricular activities and school functions. For students, she believes that because she and her fellow classmates will soon graduate, upperclassmen should have one last opportunity to go to the dance. Freshmen and sophomores still have time left at AFHS. They should wait and let the upperclassman have their time to experience high school to its fullest potential.

Students have been deprived of the typical high school experiences because of the pandemic. An ideal solution would be to host the event outside to comply with the COVID-19 rules and regulations made by the CDC. Unfortunately the decision was not made in time for the dance. Although this year’s Homecoming has passed, hopefully the increase in vaccinations will reduce the percentage of COVID-19 cases in the coming year, and Homecoming will become a possibility again.


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