Though a common school assignment, reading up on the latest news and identifying a particular event’s key points can be a rather loathsome task. Such distaste for the exercise may be the result of news occasionally being like a chocolate chip cookie that turns out to be an oatmeal-raisin cookie. Headlines either draw readers in or deter them entirely, only for the articles to be about something completely different. Inundated with articles about COVID-19, shootings, and other crises, the news may not be very entertaining to read either. This being said, a good few enjoyable articles hide amongst the depressing ones. Yet, one must wonder how some of these articles ever came to be considered news-worthy.
1. Police: Goat ‘arrested’ after report of break-in:(AP News)
This caprine criminal broke into an individual's house, eventually being picked up by Animal Protective Services. Later, the rogue goat’s owner came and retrieved him. Hopefully, he doesn’t face too long of a sentence.
2. Turtle-y fearless! Tiny terrapin sees off thirsty lion and lioness drinking from a waterhole at South African game reserve:(Daily Mail)
A turtle annoyed a couple of lions. While having a negligible impact on the surrounding area, someone certainly thought the world needed to know about this happening. Reggi Barreto captured the footage of the event, which he described as “incredibly rare.” Apparently, the turtle did not succeed in chasing the lion pair away, though it can triumph in having irked them.
3. About 24 Monkeys Escape From Zoo in Southwestern Germany:(VOA News)
Every monkey deserves a day out in the town. These 24 took the opportunity to get out of the zoo and enjoy some good weather. Construction work in the Tatzmania Zoo may have been the reason for the monkeys’ escape. Thankfully, the strolling simians didn’t get very far, as they only wandered around Löffingen, the town in which the zoo resides. The zookeepers caught them as they enjoyed some sunbathing.
A quartet of pigs successfully recognized how to use a joystick to maneuver a cursor on the screen in front of them. This development importantly demonstrates the level of intelligence pigs can be capable of and may help define how humans interact with other organisms.
5. Scientists Have Taught Spinach To Send Emails And It Could Warn Us About Climate Change:(Euro News)
Climate change may not be the only matter foreshadowed by this discovery. Through a reasonably convoluted process involving microchips and the natural growth of spinach plants, these scientists modified the vegetables to detect explosive substances underground and alert the scientists.
The notable trend here relates to the fact that all these articles have something to do with nature. Secondly, scientists appear to be doing quite a few seemingly random experiments. All in all, exciting news does exist; even nowadays, it just takes a bit of work to find. That may just be how the news cookie crumbles.